今年“3·15” 晚会以“凝聚力量、共筑美好”为主题,曝光了“趣头条”推送非法广告、海参养殖加工多处违规、“汉堡王”使用过期食材等侵害消费者权益、危害公共利益的不正当竞争行为。在晚会直播过程中,就已有部分涉事企业开始火速回应。
First aired in 1991, the annual consumer rights show is run by China Central Television. It unearths problems and poor business practices at local and international businesses and exposed them to the public. The show, known as "315" in reference to global consumer rights day on March 15, should have been aired in March but was delayed to July 16 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
美国的跨国快餐连锁店汉堡王,其广告宣称“味道为王、食物新鲜”、“每一个皇堡都符合汉堡王的皇冠标准”。还记得去年汉堡王旨在刺激消费者食欲,主打无添加防腐剂的“发霉皇堡” 广告中,那个发霉的汉堡吗?然而戏剧性的一幕发生了,“发霉皇堡” 广告内容与今年“3·15”晚会上被曝光的内容高度切题。只不过是……今年“3·15”晚会曝光了汉堡王不仅在食材上偷工减料,而且销售过期食材制作的汉堡。在南昌市一家汉堡网店中,调查记者发现在制作汉堡的过程中,员工没有遵守公司规定的标准和程序,而是“偷工减料”。例如少放一片西红柿或者一片芝士。一名员工表示,他们之所以那么做都是听从老板的决定,他们的老板很抠门。
American fast-food chain Burger King has been exposed for using expired food materials to make hamburgers in China, the country's annual consumer rights show said on Thursday.The investigative reporters also discovered that the burger stores failed to follow the company's prescribed operating standards and procedures. An employee said they always cut down on ingredients, such as putting fewer cheese slices and tomatoes into burgers, because his "boss is cheap."不仅如此,南昌多家汉堡王店还“弄虚作假”。一名汉堡王店员表示,他们的老板会要求他们把过期的面包标签替换成新的日期标签,然后继续把过期的面包做成汉堡卖给顾客。Screenshot from the "3.15" program showing expired bread.
Screenshot from the "3.15" program showing expired chicken strips.
然而这并没有结束……不仅仅是过期的面包会被重新换标签后再销售,本应该被丢弃的过期的肉类同样如此操作。即使到了食物很容易发霉变质的夏天,保质期照改不误。南昌市多家汉堡王店员早已见怪不怪了,一位门店经理表示,总部也知道这些事情,他们总部主管都是从基层做起的,当店长当了很多年。Several Burger King's stores in Nanchang, east China's Jiangxi Province replaced the expiration label on stale bread and later served the old bread to customers, the show reported. But their deception did not end with the bread; the food outlets also served meat and chicken nuggets to customers long after they should have been discarded.An employee said they would change the label themselves. "We change the label directly and the boss would ask you to change it," the employee said.According to another employee, the practice continued even in the summer when food spoils easily because of the heat. The headquarters knows about it," said a store manager, explaining that their headquarter supervisors also started their careers from low-level jobs in the company.其实,在南昌市外卖平台上,有不少顾客写差评反映过汉堡王的食材不新鲜,缺斤少两等,甚至有些顾客出现了腹泻的症状。“3·15”晚会播出后,汉堡王官方微博迅速作出回应、道歉,称这是加盟商的行为,总部监管失误,涉事门店已被暂停营业,也将会成立工作组前往涉事门店作进一步调查。
A lot of Nanchang customers also complained on a food delivery platform that Burger King has always sold stale food, and some of them have even suffered from diarrhea.
After the show aired, Burger King China apologized in Chinese on popular Chinese social media platform Weibo and said a working group has been set up to investigate those stores involved, which business has been suspended.是吃惊的丢掉了手里的汉堡,还是把手里的汉堡吃了下去压压惊?